The Issues

  • Development with Direction

    Our community's growth must be responsible and reflective of our community’s values. I'm committed to ensuring new development doesn’t leave existing residents behind. I believe the growth our community experiences should be measured and enhance existing residents’ quality of life, providing opportunities to those who have been here for generations.

  • Roads to Renewal

    We must focus on our failing roads and improve our critical infrastructure significantly. My priority is to ensure our roads, bridges, and other public utilities are safe, efficient, and capable of supporting our community's needs today and in the future.

  • Providing for Protection

    Ensuring the safety of our community is a key priority. I am dedicated to fully funding our law enforcement and first responders, providing them with the necessary resources to protect and serve our community effectively.

  • Accountable to the People

    I believe in transparent governance and fiscal responsibility. Taxpayer money must be spent wisely on projects and services that bring real value to our community. I want to earn and maintain your trust through transparent, accountable leadership.

  • Together We Thrive

    Good governance starts with teamwork. I am committed to working together, building consensus, and collaborating across District 20 and the County. It's my goal to find common ground and implement solutions that benefit our community while not betraying my faith and core values.

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